Committed to beauty and excellence

While innovation is not always the child of necessity and beauty is not just in the eye of the beholder. At Caelum Designs we want to commit ourselves to only deliver you our best. 

We are constantly learning about new woodworking techniques, new finishes for our tables and new wood species. We want to do everything to improve ourselves as craftsmen. To better ourselves and the pieces we create. To create beautiful timeless furniture. To create heirloom furniture that your grandkids will enjoy as well.  

Caelum designs’ mission is to make functional works of art. 


What drives us as men, and as a company, is passion. Passion for our children, for our families and for our work. As imperfect wood is, and how frustrated we can get while working on a project, it inspires immensely at the same time. We are passionate about every step of creating a piece of furniture. From choosing the wood for your project, to building your desk, to seeing the piece come to life by oiling it. 

With every desk, with every dining table or with every other piece of furniture we deliver, is it passion that we want to convey. 

Eye on the future

Doing our part regarding sustainability is a ‘nice to have’ but an absolute ‘must have’.  Making functional works of art and conveying passion about woodworking is worthless to us if we do not have our eyes on the future and don’t do our part in reducing our carbon footprint. Therefore we will only buy wood from certified vendors (FSC, PEFC), for our epoxy tables we will only use bio based products and our workshops are powered by solar and wind energy.